Creative Care: Art for Kids with Additional Needs at Z-arts
New, FREE art sessions with SEND friendly access are open to children aged 8 – 16 and are led by Kirsty Gbasai, a talented Artist & Freelance Creative Practitioner.
Read MoreNew, FREE art sessions with SEND friendly access are open to children aged 8 – 16 and are led by Kirsty Gbasai, a talented Artist & Freelance Creative Practitioner.
Read MoreShort Breaks at Derwen College offers young adults with special educational needs and disabilities a holiday experience away from home, where they can enjoy time with other like-minded young people. It offers guests a change from their daily routine and gives parents and carers a break from the demands of their role.
Read MoreA child’s cognitive development depends on sensory stimulation. . . Children who struggle with processing sensory stimulation can find everyday experiences to be too much. This often happens with children who have autism or ADHD. . . For these children having the chance to practice being exposed to stimuli in a safe environment can be a very beneficial experience. The story telling space is a great place for this to happen.
Read MoreDore is a 12-18 month daily personalised physical exercise programme for children and adults with dyslexia, dyspraxia and ADHD… Dore is hosting a series of awareness-raising events around the country… Our June event will be held at Abbey Gate School, Clare Avenue, Hoole, Chester, on Tuesday 25th June, at 6pm.
Read MoreIf your child is struggling at school and you think they may have problems that require specialist attention, you may be looking not only for medical advice, but for legal as well. Statement of Special Educational Needs is a document needed by a small number of children, but it’s an extremely important one, which gives you and your child rights to provision and support which can be enforced by law.
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