Juniors Meet the Journos
Young media moguls of the future gained a taste for life at the newsdesk when journalists, Paul and Caroline Broster visited 8 year-olds at Cheadle Hulme School.
The professional journalists and lecturers visited Year 4 pupils to offer an insight into the life of a reporter, give tips on how to spot the best stories and explain the skills needed to turn a story into a news report.
Drawing from their own experience, including work for national print and broadcast media and the BBC, the professionals illustrated the use of shorthand, demonstrated different interview techniques and worked with pupils to create a news story of their own.
The Junior School pupils were able to apply their new knowledge of the newsroom to their English lessons, where they set about composing their own stories and reports of recent School activities.
Teacher, Mrs Kate Sargent said: “We felt very privileged to hear from Mr and Mrs Broster, who gave the pupils an insight to a career they may want to consider in the future. They will never read a news story in the same way again!”