schools round-up

Congratulations on A-level results!

Last week pupils in England received their A-level results. Across the country top grades have risen for the first time since 2021 – with 27.8% of all grades marked at A* or A.

Manchester Grammar School | Boys with A Levels 2024 exam resultsThe Manchester Grammar School celebrated another year of excellent examination results for its Sixth Form pupils. Over a third of all grades were at the highest A* level, whilst 85% of grades were A*-B.

The High Master, Dr Martin Boulton, said, “This year’s results places The Manchester Grammar School in a very select number of schools nationally. I am absolutely delighted that the hard work and dedication of the pupils has been rewarded with excellent grades and that this will enable them to move on to study a diverse range of courses at leading universities. I would like to wish them every success as they take their next exciting steps in their academic journeys.”

Manchester High School for Girls | Head Mistress, Mrs Helen Jeys, and A level pupils enjoying exam results statistics86% of Sixth Form students at Manchester High School for Girls, in Fallowfield, achieved the ‘gold standard’ of A*-B, while 29% of all grades were the highest grade possible, A*.

Head Mistress, Mrs Helen Jeys, said: “I am exceptionally proud of our Senior Sixth students. Their results are testament to their hard work and the support of our brilliant team of teachers and support staff. Not only are the results excellent but it is wonderful to see our students going on to study such a huge array of courses at university: from Maths, Operational Research, Statistics and Economics; Dentistry; Medicine and Veterinary Science to Philosophy and French; Archaeology; Modern Foreign Languages and Philosophy.”

The Kings School, Macclesfield | A-level students 2024 with results papersIn Cheshire The King’s School, Macclesfield celebrated stunning 48% of all grades being A*/A, with 81% of grades at A* – B. A fabulous five students achieved three A*s, while more than a third of students achieved an A* in one subject or more.

Head, Mr Slack, paid tribute to the students’ work ethic and commitment: “I’m absolutely thrilled with this tremendous set of A-level results which show a continued upward trend for results year-on-year. Our school aim of ‘challenging pupils to aspire, work hard and achieve’ is well represented by this determined and talented group of young people. They have developed broader skills such as leadership, resilience and independence and their talents extend well beyond the classroom into the extra-curricular arenas of music, sport and drama.”

The Grange. A-level resultsThere was great cause for celebration in another school in Cheshire, as The Grange class of 2024 excelled with the set of stunning A Level results. A quarter of all A Level entries were achieved at A* standard, surpassing the achievements of past cohorts. Alongside these top grades, there was more widespread success with over 80% of all entries at grades A* to B, keeping step with past cohorts to maintain The Grange’s tradition of academic excellence.

The hard work and perseverance have paid off! Congratulations to all the hardworking pupils, patient parents, and talented teachers from all of us at M&D Magazine.

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