
Summer 2015 Holliday Camps – Clubs – Classes


Sports & Multi-Activities

20 – 24 July 9am-1pm

Enjoy-a-Ball Summer Camps
Back by popular demand, the camps will be action-packed with indoor and outdoor games, fun activities, arts and crafts to take home.
Places are limited so early booking is advised.
Brookburn Primary School, Chorlton.
Sam: 07973 886 783


27 July – 28 August

Little Sports Coaching
Mini Soccer camps will help children developing their football skills and techniques; with participation in tournaments, matches, drills and games.
Olympians multi-sports camps feature many different sports such as tennis, basketball, football, hockey, gymnastics, tag-rugby, athletics and much more.
Rhythmix, gymnastics and dance courses, will improve your child’s fitness levels whilst helping them develop strength and agility, co-ordination and balance as well as posture, flexibility and masses of self-confidence.
Summer camps in Manchester, Stockport and Cheshire
Tel: 08000321806


27 July – 28 August 8.15am – 6pm

Junior Sport Stars
Soccer Stars – football
Sport Stars – hockey, basketball, cricket, tennis, handball, lacrosse, dodgeball and many more
Stage Stars – performing arts (on the basis of famous musicals and Disney classics)
Gym Stars – gymnastics
The Barlow RC High School, Pars Wood Road, Manchester, M20 6BX.
Bramhall Recreation Centre, Bramhall High School, Seal Road, Bramhall. SK7 2JR
Tithe Barn Primary School,Mauldeth Road, Heaton Mersey, STOCKPORT, Cheshire, SK4 3NG
Tel: 07730 419 982 | 0161 222 5676


17 July – 21 August (weekdays) 8 am – 6 pm

Super Camps Multy-Activity
An activity day camp provider for children aged 4 to 11 years old! Super Camps combine sport and arts & crafts into a fun-fuelled programme to make sure children are kept active, happy and safe throughout their school holidays.
William Hulme’s Grammar School, Spring Bridge Road, Manchester, M16 8PR
Tel: 01235 467300


20 – 24 July (1 – Cheadle), 27 – 31 July (2 – Stockport) 9.30am – 4.30pm

Andrew Flintoff Cricket Academy. Activate Camps
The Andrew Flintoff Cricket Academy runs a fun filled week of cricket coaching, games and activities for 5 – 18 year olds
1. – Cheadle Hulme School, Claremont Road, Cheadle Hulme, Cheadle, Cheshire, SK8 6EF
2. – Stockport Grammar School, Buxton Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK2 7AF
Tel: 01785711572


17 – 19 August 9.30am – 4.30pm

Hockey Masterclass. Activate Camps
A hockey coaching course for both girls and boys aged 7 to 16 years of age.
Stockport Grammar School, Buxton Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK2 7AF
Tel: 01785711572


26 – 28 August 9.30am – 4.30pm

International Netball Roadshow
a unique nationwide netball coaching course for girls aged 7 to 16 years of age.
Buxton Road, Stockport, Cheshire, SK2 7AF
Tel: 01785711572


Education & Science

27 – 31 July, 17 – 21 August, 24 – 28 August 9 am – 2.30 pm

Choice Home Tutoring
A fantastic opportunity for primary aged children (Reception to year 6) to enjoy a week of learning and exercise. Choose from fun Maths and English or Entrance Exam preparation. Both are followed by sports activities.
Didsbury, Manchester
Tel: 0161434 7045 or 07527 377 502


27 – 31 July, 3 – 7 August

SciTech: 15
An amazing opportunity for girls and boys aged between 5 and 12 to experience the wondrous world of Science and Technology in a safe, but very hands-on environment.
The Manchester College, Northenden Campus
Sale Road, Manchester, M23 0DD
Tel: 0161 903 9133


July – August

Newell Tutors Summer Schools
Sessions include verbal reasoning, non-verbal reasoning, maths and English. Each session will cover subjects that form part of the 11+ entrance exams. For specific dates and times contact Newell Tutors directly or check their website.
Sale Central Scout Hut, Woodbourne Road, Brooklands, Sale M33 3SY
Tel: 07510962876


3, 4 August – ages 7-11 years old
5 August – ages 12 to 16 years old
10am – 4pm

Forensic science in action – a one day workshop
Join us for a fascinating, fun and very hands-on insight into the real work of Crime Scene Investigator’s (CSI’s) and Forensic Scientists. Put on your white suit, gloves and mask grab a scene kit and learn some of the essential skills like: fingerprinting, DNA profiling and footwear marks, for you to be the CSI. Run by experienced forensic scientists SPI (Science | Participation | Inspiration) Club provides a quality science learning opportunity in an extremely engaging way.
£20.00 per child (£18.00 for 2nd child/sibling)
Waterside Arts Centre, 1 Waterside Plaza, Sale, M33 7ZF
Tel: 0161 912 5616


Performing Art & Theatre

27 – 31 July 10am – 3pm

Summer splash art & dance course!
Spend five exciting days exploring dance, art and media. Differently themed creative workshops will lead up to a sharing of everyone’s work to be performed on Friday 31 July
Age 7 – 16
Cost: £80. £10 discount for siblings and for booking both courses
Waterside Arts Centre, 1 Waterside Plaza, Sale, M33 7ZF
Tel: 0161 912 5616


3 – 7 August 10am – 1pm, 10pm – 4 pm, 2pm – 5pm (Didsbury),
10 – 13 August 10am – 1pm, 10am – 4pm (Salford)

Summer holiday workshops for children from 4 to 18 years old. Sing, dance, act and build confidence through the performing arts!
Didsbury and Salford, Manchester
Tel: 0161 789 1349
Stagecoach Didsbury
Stagecoach Salford


24 – 28 August 10am – 4pm

Artful playground’s musical theatre course
Children will have sessions in acting, singing, dance/movement and have lots of fun putting together a production! On the last day there will be a performance for friends and family.
Age: 7 – 16
Cost: £80.00 per child (Artful Playground class attendees – £10.00 discount)
Waterside Arts Centre, 1 Waterside Plaza, Sale, M33 7ZF
Tel: 0161 912 5616 or 0161 438 2021.


26, 27 August 11am – 4pm

Comedysportz summer workshop – a 2 day workshop
Fantastic summer fun with the cast of ComedySportz as they teach you how to play your favourite games from the show! Kids will learn the basics of comedy improvisation creating characters and scenes in a fun and friendly environment before showcasing their talents at
5.30pm on the 27th for family and friends! With an emphasis on character, confidence and team building kids will have fun learning with the cast of ComedySportz.
Age: 10+
Cost: £50 for the two days
Waterside Arts Centre, 1 Waterside Plaza, Sale, M33 7ZF
Tel: 0161 912 5616


27 – 31 July, 3 – 7, 10 – 14 August (Urmston)
3 – 7, 10 – 14, 17 – 21 August (Cheadle)
9.30 – 4.30pm (early bird and late pick up 8.30am- 5.30pm)

Act, sing dance – all day, every day. Three shows in three weeks – choose the one you like. Where possible the children will work in specific age groups
Age: 3 – 14
Cost: £99 per week
Greenbank Preparatory School, Heath Road, Cheadle Hulme, SK8 6HU
St Antony’s RC Catholic College, Bradfield Road, Urmston, M41 9PD
Tel: 0161 713 3026


Art & Craft

27 – 31 July

Creative workshops for children at Parsley Pie
Kids can get creative in our fabulous professional messy art studio and have fun in the Parsley Pie magical garden! Plus meet and feed our two pet pygmy goats Pepper & Teddy!
Maximum of ten children per group. Book as many days as you want…or give it a try for just one day.
Parsley Pie Studio, Hale
Tel: 0161 904 9444

7 thoughts on “Summer 2015 Holliday Camps – Clubs – Classes

  • Kerry-Ann Pope

    The soccer stars clubs are great fun, my little boys attended for the first time last summer and they can’t wait for this summer.

  • Some really good holiday clubs there, my children would love some of these.

  • Hayley Mulgrove

    Some great stuff to do, brill

  • Unfortunately my son is still a little young for clubs and camps but there seems to be a lot of different interesting ones out there

  • Kate Grogan

    There are also loads of residential courses – where adults and children can do different things. Check out Marlborough Summer Schools.

  • Jacqueline Roberts

    Great idea if you can get your kids to go, mine didn’t like to.

  • Sarah-Jane Laycock

    My goodness, what a diversity of summer courses available, Sport is so important in life


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