Tea Towels Capture the Essence of Ginger and Pickles
When the owners of Ginger and Pickles Tearooms, based in Nantwich and Tarporley, set a live brief for Year 10 Textile students at The Grange School to design and create decorative embellished tea towels to be exhibited and sold in their tearooms, the students responded with gusto.
The brief asked that the tea towel capture the essence of the tearooms, mirror its style and interiors and be appealing for its market audience.

All thirteen students created an excitng, unique, professional and atractve end product which showcased incredible skills in embroidery, digital print and patern design.
On top of their magnifcent tea towels students were asked to complete a sketchbook showing their visual journey and inspiraton, which included visits to the Tearooms and to the Burleigh Potery factory in Stoke-On-Trent, where Ginger and Pickles get their iconic blue and white crockery.
Over 100 customers judged the tea towels on social media and in store over the course of two weeks. The owner of Ginger and Pickles, Beverley Ozard visited the Grange on the 26th April to experience frst-hand all the hard work and meet the students and the Head of School, Debbie Leonard. Students and teachers celebrated the event with plenty of delicious treats generously provided by Ginger and Pickles.
“All the designs received such high praise from so many customers, who were in awe of the incredible talent and the professionalism of each outcome – It took everyone a lot of deliberation as the standard was so high. All students created something so special, so skilled and so personal it made the decision incredibly hard”, said Beverley Ozard owner of Ginger and Pickles.
The ‘Best in Show’ Tea towel was awarded to Rebecca Walker for her beautful and intricate design, featuring the three iconic Burleigh cup designs. Rebecca received an Afernoon Tea for herself and her family as part of her award and is looking forward to indulging in Ginger and Pickles delicious