lifestylereaders' reviews

Hello, Henry!

I love Henry! My youngest kids laugh when they see Henry’s smile. My dog enjoys chasing Henry. Even my teenager finds Henry useful… on occasion. I actually think two of these occasions are fast approaching – Halloween and Christmas.

No person would be this much of a universal hit – I’m talking about the vacuum cleaner.

Our old Henry is a sturdy little guy with a permanently jolly expression, long cord, and incredible ability to suck up dirt, dust and debris after my husband endeavours a DIY project, or when we finally snap and decide to spring clean the whole place. For this time of the year though – with scary invasions of glitter-covered kids shedding disintegrating costumes and in-laws appearing with expectations of catalogue-level cleanliness – we need something more versatile, easy to manoeuvre, able to clean up spillages in a flash, and simple to store away when the job is done. So here comes a younger sibling of the old Henry – Henry Quick.

Henry Quick mounted on the wallHenry Quick is a cordless, lightweight, easy to handle vacuum cleaner. When we put it to use, the suction power proved to be really good and the pod system (Henry arrived with six extra pods included) promises to help prevent dust spillage when emptying. Also, when asking around, I was told that this robust little fellow can store lots of waste before it needs emptying. The pods are made from recycled material and cost £12.99 for a pack of ten.

Henry also comes with optional scent pods, which are available in three flavours: vanilla, rose and passionfruit. Ours, vanilla, had a subtle aroma and was disliked by our dog. As for me, at £9.99 for ten, I reckon I might keep treating myself.

The package Henry came in showed a woman cleaning nonchalantly with one hand on her hip. She must clearly hit the gym a lot more than me, as I couldn’t quite emulate her relaxed approach, and found that I needed some occasional help from the other hand. Having said that, even my four-year-old can handle Henry, although it takes two hands and some supervision.

Cleaning with Henry QuickWe’ve tried cleaning carpeted stairs and wooden floors, we’ve got rid of a lot of food spilled on the table and around the table, we’ve finally gotten the dust off our bookshelf, and we’ve even cleaned the old teddy bear with one paw. To achieve all this, we made our way through all of the different brushes; each was a perfect fit for the specific job, and changing them was easy with one click.

After an hour of being at work, our new Henry still had some life in it. Full recharging takes two and a half hours and is very easy to do.

Henry Quick comes with a wall mount, so only takes up vertical storage space. We found a nice little corner for it right next to the kitchen – giving us easy access to the messiest place in the house! Although the season of big parties is yet to arrive, we’ve been using it for quick sweeps daily now. And I have to say our busy family home looks much cleaner. Still not up to the standards of my in-laws of course, but Henry probably wouldn’t be able to help us there.

Henry Quick received ‘Which? Best Buy’ badge in February 2023.
Specifications: Power – 25.2V, Run Time -70 min Low / 16 min High, Charge Time – 150 mins – 100%, Weight – 3.2kg, Pod Capacity – 1L, Dimensions – (WxLxH)240x270x1220mm
Cost – £299.99

44 thoughts on “Hello, Henry!

  • Lisa Rowsell

    I love my corded Hentry, and didn’t know there was a cordless version! A very informative review, that has helped me make up my mind to get one, and I’ll certainly try the passionfruit scented pods.

  • Susan B

    I hadn’t seen this model before. It looks excellent. Thanks for the review.

  • Pippa Ainsworth

    I didn’t realise Henry was now cordless. This looks like a great appliance.

  • Ana Nunes

    It sounds so good, It would be a huge help in my house.

  • Erika Lowe

    I never consider Henry, maybe I should!

  • Craig L

    I would love to try this out

  • Pamtay

    looks very useful to keep handy everyone loves Henry

  • Priscilla Stubbs

    I have never owned a Henry but would love to try this out

  • Amy Doyle

    what agreat design it looks fab

  • Ritchie Dee

    I would love to try this out even though I’m not sure a cordless one is powerful enough.

  • Richard Eldred Hawes

    I believe this is something my Cleaner Monika would really appreciate

    • James Darby

      oh wow, love this henry hoover, would consider buying one for my mum.

  • Deborah Ms. Saville

    Best hoover forget shark love to go back to Henry

  • Shaun Taylor

    Nice! 👍😃

  • Mary Heald

    Looks like a very handy cleaner to have available in the home.

  • Anthony Bond

    Sounds like a great cordless vacuum.


    did not know they where cordless NICE ONE


    did not know they where cordless NICE ONE makes it a lot easier

  • Andrew Scott

    My mum loves her corded Henry. Hope the cordless is as good.

  • Gill HM

    A fun, quirky design on a model that could make my life so much easier. Due to Fibromyalgia and poor mobility.I can no longer use the regular corded vacs as they’re too hard to manoeuvre. A cordless Henry would be a dream come true!

  • Geri Gregg

    I love the Henry Hoover brand, I used to have a corded one. A cordless one sounds even better though! A great review

  • Geri Gregg

    I love the Henry Hoover brand, I used to have a corded one. A cordless one sounds even better though! A great review, I enjoyed the read

  • Laura F

    Great review. Had no idea there were cordless ones out there. ♥

  • Louise Smith

    I didn’t know they did a cordless Henry, I so need one

  • Lorna Ledger

    Super suction and super useful, this would be super cool, around any household! great review

  • Ellen Stafford

    I would love to own a Henry hoover they look like they are great.

  • RebeccaClare

    This looks like it would be so useful to help keep on top of the cleaning

  • Barrie Phillips

    Just what I need, a lightweight multi purpose vacuum cleaner from a well known brand, thanks for the review.

  • Keith Crooks

    Such an iconic product! And I’ve never met a Henry without amazing suction.

  • antonia richardson

    i ned this vac in my life

  • Jason Tolliss

    Always found Henry to be a very reliable make of vacuum cleaner, this looks very handy!


    They do a really good job around the house, cordless would certainly make things even more effortless when doing the household vacuuming.

  • Gosh, this would make my life much easier!!

  • Emma Davison

    I have the original Henry model and it is great. Over a decade old now!

  • Sylvia Paul

    Ooh I have never seen these before. They look and sound fab!

  • LouiseM

    I have never owned a henry hoover but i have borrowed one, they are awesome and seem so reliable. I would love one.

  • Darren Bourne

    it’s great to make vacuuming as easy as possible with out any faff-ing about. Like the sound of the scent pods.

  • James Travis

    Always loved a Henry hoover, it is great and easy to use

  • tishist

    This looks a lot easier to use than the original Henry

  • Zoey H

    Great review and hadn’t realised they do these. def be looking into one

  • Amanda Botterill

    this looks great, thanks for the review


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