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Are Rabbits the Perfect Pet for Children?

When searching for the perfect pet for your child, there are a lot of options to sift through. Dogs and cats have long been a traditional favourite, but there is a lot to be said for the smaller animals too.

Rabbits are one of the most convenient, fun pets for kids of any age. This guide has all the reasons why that’s true.

Easy to Insure

Insuring your pet is a sensible move. It can cover you in case of costly medical expenses at the vet, and if they get a long-term illness too. For rabbit insurance, there are hundreds of options to pick from. Just like any other type of animal insurance, rabbit insurance has varying levels of coverage but it is extremely easy to set up and it is budget friendly too when compared to other pets.

Low Maintenance

Rabbits need food, water, a bit of outside time, and some engagement. Other than this, they are reasonably self-reliant. So, when it comes to maintenance, they are the clear winner. Unlike dogs, you don’t have to walk them or plan your day around them. They sit in their hutch, enjoy some fresh grass or scenery, and love a little bit of affection from time to time. Something low maintenance is far easier to slot in with busy family life, and will not cause too much disruption to your usual routines.

The Cute Factor

Paige Cody. Cute rabbitIt’s always nice to have a cute pet to cuddle. While not everything is about looks, a rabbit definitely has the cuteness factor covered. They are small, fluffy, and generally adorable. Children will love sitting and stroking them, and some breeds like lots of affection too.

The Initial Cost is Lower

Rabbits need a hutch, a water bottle, some bedding, and food. The rabbit itself won’t cost much either. There are a lot of cost benefits to finding a smaller pet like this when compared to some breeds of dog that can cost thousands of pounds before you’ve even got them home.

Teaches Responsibility in a Low-Key Way

Owing to the low levels of maintenance, responsibility can be taught at a more adaptable pace. Kids can be involved in the cleaning of the hutch and daily feeding schedule alongside general cuddles and attention factors too. This is less pressure for them, which will nurture their minds better than starting out with a more demanding species.

Good Life Span

Rabbits can live for over five years, with some breeds even climbing up to ten. This means, depending on the age of your children, the rabbit might stick with them throughout their formative years. Saying goodbye is always hard, but that too is a teaching moment and has to be handled with care.
Rabbits are possibly one of the most perfect pets for children regardless of age. They are small, easy to look after, and don’t demand too much of your time or resources. They will fit in great with a family.

20 thoughts on “Are Rabbits the Perfect Pet for Children?

  • Priscilla Stubbs

    They certainly do make ideal pets, my children had a few when they were younger, they also had guinea pigs which are also easy to look after

  • Yes, rabbits do indeed make super pets for children.

  • Wendy Lam-Vechi

    I think rabbits are the best pet option for busy and active families. They’re not likely to disrupt you when you need some peace and quiet and definitely a lot easier for kids to take care of them compared to other mammals.

  • Lia Burns

    I have to agree they are an ideal pet for kids! We love our 2 rabbits and the kids love to help care for them

    • Elaine Pett

      we chose the wrong variety and it just kept biting our daughter. She quickly lost interest.

  • James Travis

    Rabbits really do make great pets for children, and are less easy to look after

  • Karen T

    The problem with kids having rabbits is that people often house them in hutches, as they are sold as rabbit accommodation, when they are not suitable at all. They do make great indoor pets if you have the space to allow them to move around. Outdoors they need a shed or something of a similar floor space size as they love to run!
    I personally prefer guinea pigs as I think they have a bit more character, but both are great for kids providing they are properly cared for.

  • Alice lightning

    Yes As long as they are old enough to handle them lovingly x. I had a pet rabbit when I was a child and it really was lovely having my own pet to look after x

  • Patricia Avery

    My grandchildren love their rabbits and enjoy helping to look after them but what they like most is their cuddleability….not sure that is a word but you know what I mean!

  • lynn neal

    I think rabbits are a great choice of pet for families who want children to get used to caring for a pet!

  • Ellen Stafford

    I had a rabbit as a child and loved it.

  • Thank you for such a helpful blog on whether is a good idea to get a rabbit as a pet for children has certainly helped make my mind up.

  • Ritchie Dee

    Please don’t buy a rabbit. Get one from an animal sanctuary. #adoptdontshop

  • fiona waterworth

    Rabbits are ideal for teaching children responsibility as they need constant feeding and cleaning but pick the right rabbit variety as some bite others such as lop and angora need a lot of care

  • Eilean Fraoich

    Some good advice in here, they make great pets but also need a lot of work and care .

  • Sally Collingwood

    They make very good pets until the children get fed up then it’s down to mum to do all the cleaning and feeding!

  • Mel Turner

    Rabbits are great pets for children

  • paul jackson

    we always had rabbits when my kids were young

  • Natalie Burgess

    rabbits are ideal pets for children, but lots needs to be taken into consideration first


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