legal & financial

What Makes a Good Child Law Solicitor?

Contentious issues involving the little people in our lives can be difficult and stressful, both for parents, children, and the wider family alike. Children disputes can take many different forms, from how often a child should spend with their parents, to choice of school, to decisions in relation to medical help. There is also the harrowing side of children law, which is child abuse; this has spiked by 750% since the first UK lockdown in March 2020.

When it comes to matters surrounding children, it is of paramount importance to get the right legal representative on the case. In my opinion, and in my experience, there are several key considerations that you should always bear in mind when seeking out a child law solicitor.

1. Always look for a children panel accredited solicitor.

Not all family law solicitors hold accreditations or have experience in all aspects of children law proceedings. Children Law Accreditation is a recognised quality standard for practitioners representing children. At McAlister Family Law, our specialist children team holds the most child law accreditations outside of London. We have also recently been listed in The Times Top 200 Law firms, which is a recognition of the incredible talent in our team.

2. A lawyer that doesn’t just interpret the law but looks at practical solutions.

Children do not come with a manual – they are all different. What is right for one won’t be right for another. For example, certain child contact arrangements – such as a week on and a week off – might work for some children but others may struggle being away from one parent for long periods and alternative arrangements will need to be considered until they are older. Choose a lawyer who thinks about what is in the best interests of the child. Yes, processes do need to be followed, but that should not happen at the expense of finding the right solution through active and meaningful discussion.

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3. A lawyer that encourages direct negotiation with the other parent and their representative.

One thing that most parents have in common is that they want the right solution for their children. At the same time they may have different opinions on what that is. Unless there is communication and negotiation, compromises cannot be reached. Too many lawyers still rely on letter writing to set out a parent’s position – this can often lead to misinterpretation and conflict.

4. Choose a lawyer that ONLY specialises in children law.

Typically, family law is made up of three main areas of work: matrimonial, finance and child law. Family lawyers cover everything, but a child lawyer will solely focus on children work. Child lawyers are used to dealing with the full range of child cases and are in court day in and day out. They know judges’ approaches to certain matters and can offer a very specialist insight into the most complex cases.

5. A lawyer who is passionate about children.

It’s one thing being a good lawyer, but it’s another to have a passion for children; it takes heart and soul. Throughout my career, I have represented mothers, fathers, grandparents and even the children themselves. I have also worked with teenagers in relation to deprivation of liberty/secure accommodation orders. Having fostered children for many years, I have seen the other side of care proceedings, and this experience gives me a deeper and more personal understanding of the issues inherent in such situations.

6. A lawyer that looks at things only through the eyes of the child, not the parent.

Very often, one parent will try to stop contact with the other parent, which is usually fueled by personal vengeance. The impact that such conflict can have on children is significant, with research confirming that the emotional damage can last well into adulthood. A child lawyer must therefore focus on making the right decision for the child, not for the parents.

Final thoughts

The welfare of a child is of utmost importance when considering children-related disputes. Take your time to find a solicitor that you trust, and that you know will put the child at the forefront of every decision that is made.

McAlister Family Law is home to one of the leading Children Law teams in the country. If you have any queries or would like advice on child-related matters, please contact us at McAlister family law

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