Transition to Secondary School
Moving from primary school to secondary school can be an exciting time of life, it marks an important stage in growing up, and children recognise that their lives are about to change in numerous ways. Like any change, it can bring uncertainty. While most manage this transition well, others may find it challenging. A new school can offer new friends, a world of opportunities, and greater independence, such as owning their first mobile phone but also anxiety and concerns. Most children adapt to secondary school well, however, a child feeling excited and confident one minute, and nervous the next, some respond well to change, while others need more reassurance and preparation.
As any good school, Bowdon Preparatory School, ‘prepares’ the girls for the everyday challenges and a learning journey through Kindergarten to Year 6 but we also prepare them to thrive in life ‘beyond’ as life-long learners. We appreciate how daunting this change can be and any worries that may arise:
- making new friends/managing loss of old friendships
- having different teachers/different classrooms/different subjects
- more homework/and complicated timetable
- travelling on public transport
- navigating an unfamiliar, larger building

For parents, it is important to choose the best school, but there is also a good deal that can be done to prepare for this change and help a child find their feet during this transition period to make that move confidently and successfully.
All parents are told that the most important thing is to find the right senior school for their child. This philosophy underpins all the advice and help we give. With a wide range of selective and non-selective schools in our area, we work closely with families to help find the one that is the best fit academically and pastorally for each pupil. We pride ourselves on knowing our girls well; their strengths, interests, and any challenges they face. We also know the opportunities available at, and benefits of, each school- within the local area and beyond.
Through research and open liaison with senior school leaders we can offer insightful and realistic advice on whether a girl will be suited to the examination process, learning pace, and wider ethos of the setting. Advice is given about how the girls might manage the independence and pace of learning at Altrincham Grammar School for Girls, or other local grammar schools, consortium exams, interviews at leading independent schools such as Manchester High School for Girls and Withington, how they might benefit from the supportive ethos and innovative learning at Alderley Edge School for Girls, or how to achieve a sports or art scholarship at a leading boarding school.
Most primary schools arrange for senior leaders, Year 7 tutors and pupils visit, to give first-hand experience of the next phase in a child’s learning journey. Parents are given an overview of the senior school options available to them in Year 5 to make a choice in Year 6. Keep an eye out for dates of open days, let your child attend ‘taster days’ and attend any clubs there, this will help them to find out what school life is like at any prospective school. We feel it is important when choosing a school, to talk to a range of people who have experienced distinct aspects of the school – current/former pupils, leaders and teaching or support staff and parents. Parents are encouraged to highlight their daughter’s talents and be honest about any challenges they may face, asking about specific support in curriculum areas required, and wider opportunities that might be available such as S.T.E.M, sporting, and drama.
We advise parents how to support their daughters through the process by researching the academic and learning styles and ‘personalities’ of each option. We hold termly meetings to make the process more personal and consider characteristics of learning, progress, potential, and resilience. It is important to have dates of admissions, examinations and a plan that ensures there are a range of options, including a viable school in the local mainstream sector.
B.P.S. arranges for pupils who have moved onto senior schools to come back and talk to current pupils about the aspects that matter most to them: there are questions are about practical things such as the quality of food, the volume of homework and travelling time, but in addition the girls also get an important feel for the general ethos and approach of the senior school. Speak to neighbours and their children to find out what your child wants to know about the school they hope to go to. It is reassuring to have a familiar face to help them through those first few new days.
Preparing interview questions helps if this is part of the process. We stress that doing well in an interview is not about learning answers, but instead, having opinions and interesting things to talk about confidently. To support this, having mock interview practice, a wide range of extra-curricular clubs that can be spoken about and being up to date with the latest news stories helps a child feel confident when entering the ‘interview arena’ since they know what to expect.
Be aware that schools can offer help for families looking for scholarships and bursaries at independent schools to build up portfolios in art, music, or sport, as well as preparing them for 11+ entrance into prestigious, co-educational boarding schools such as Marlborough or Brighton College.
Contact your primary school to see how they can support you. We say to our parents – trust us, support us, share any worries with us, and let us help manage the process. We feel this is a positive ‘Home-School Partnership’ in action.