Transition and Change – Starting School
by Georgie Oakley, Early Years Co-ordinator at Bowdon Preparatory School for Girls
Early childhood seems like a time of constant change; or at least it can feel that way to adults. Just as you’ve got used to a predictable and stable routine, there are the everyday ways in which young children signal to their parents and carers that they are ready to move on. They like to test their new abilities and skills, sometimes demanding “I can do it myself!” or they might be feeling bereft at their inability to control things. It is worth noting that all young children need to take these early steps towards independence, and adults generally enjoy the new development – or are at least able to find it amusing at times.
But coping with changes, whether these are big or small, is not always easy for children. They need to feel like they are able to manage it. Positive experiences of coping with small daily changes will help them to face the bigger transitions they will inevitably face.
If your child is about to start school, one of the things that might be on your mind is how that change from being at home or nursery to a school setting will make them, and you, feel. It is perfectly normal for both yourself and your child to feel a bit unsettled at first, but with some simple steps in place it will help the transition go a lot smoother.
So how can you help?
There are certain things that all parents and carers can do to ensure children are ready for this new experience. Here are some helpful tips to prepare your child, whether they are starting school for the first time, or transitioning into a new year group. Being organised is key to a calm start to the year.
Children thrive in a consistent routine and giving them the practical tools and emotional support will mean they are able to cope with the upcoming changes.

First Day of School Checklist!
Pin this post and keep it handy to help your child get ready and excited for their new start.
One month before your child starts:
- ▢ Check you have the correct school uniform for your child. You may wish to book in for a uniform fitting if your child’s school provides this.
- ▢ Ensure you have set up a payment arrangement (eg direct debit) if paying school fees.
- ▢ Ensure you have provided the school with all additional information required e.g medical conditions.
- ▢ If you need wraparound care, have you contacted the service your school provides to book your child a place?
A week before your child starts:
- ▢ As part of the admissions process, you will receive a log in for your school’s ‘Parent Portal’ and will be able to set up the system used for payment of eg events, trips, lunches.
- ▢ Check you have labelled all their uniform!
A day before your child starts:
- ▢ Take a photo of them in their uniform! The first morning is often a bit of a rush this means you can get that perfect picture!
- ▢ Pack their bag for the following day – do they have their water bottle, snack, anything they’ve done over the summer to share.
To find out more information or to reserve a place, please register on the website or contact:
0161 928 0678