11 Plus and beyond: Russian maths anyone?
– Problem- solving based learning of mathematics;
– Very visual and structured approach;
– Development of algebraic reasoning;
– Fostering of imagination, creativity and logic;
– Building of solid and deep mathematical knowledge;
After his 11 plus exam my son told me ‘Mum, thank you for the Russian Maths’. As we learned later he scored within the top 5% at the Altrincham Grammar School for Boys, the school that tests foremost maths and reasoning skills. Most importantly, after covering the Russian primary maths curriculum (which is a three year programme) he is very well prepared for more challenging maths and science at secondary school.
It is not a secret that the teaching of mathematics in the UK falls short of the best international practice. The problems start with the primary curriculum that is too broad and shallow. Children do not spend enough time on core topics and are introduced too early to difficult concepts e.g. arithmetic of fractions, negative numbers, and even probability. Primary school maths is like an excursion into everything, and a little of everything can be as bad as nothing.
It is obvious that a superficial approach to mathematics is a certain time bomb. Mathematics opens a lot of doors, and unfortunately for many children many doors are closing too early.
We are offering Summer school based on the Russian maths method. If interested please contact us at 0161 637 4853.
Russian maths? How fascinating!
I’m so pleased that core skills are finally getting the attention they deserve. I hope that competitiveness also follows suit as it is a feature of targets and performance appraisals in many companies.