What The Ladybird Heard
Two crafty robbers, one tiny ladybird, and a whole farmyard of fun on stage of Manchester Palace Theatre and Opera House Wednsday 21 – Thusday 22 May 2014.
With all the CLUCKing and QUACKing, BAAAing and MOOing, HISSing and NEIGHing the farmyard is full of noise. Then Hefty Hugh and Lanky Len hatch a cunning plan to steal the farmer’s fine prize cow. But they reckon without the tiniest, quietest creature of all: The Ladybird has a plan of her own!
Join the woolly sheep, the hairy hog, the fat red hen and the dainty dog in this brand new stage adaptation of Julia Donaldson & Lydia Monks’ colourful farmyard adventure. With live music, puppetry, plenty of audience participation and lots of laughs!
You could see it for yourself in this short trailer:

Closing date: Wednesday 14th May
This competition is closed.