psychology for parents

psychology for parents

Teddy bear, teddy bear go upstairs,
Teddy bear, teddy bear say your prayers

How many parents these days sit down with their freshly bathed and newly pyjamered offspring to offer a bedtime prayer? Well, if the dozens of books on bedtime prayers listed on Amazon are anything to go by, there are still plenty that do. And, surprising research suggests that there are important psychological benefits to saying some version of bedtime ‘prayers’ with your children each night (but don’t worry, you don’t have to be a believer to benefit!)

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psychology for parents

Tiara Syndrome

‘Tiara Syndrome’ term refers to a female tendency to work hard, to keep her head down and not to push herself forward for reward or recognition. Boys may push themselves forward to see what is happening; they often want to be the center of attention. Girls, however, tend to hold back,, believing that they will get what they deserve (i.e. the tiara) if they work hard, they often do not go out of their way to fight for recognition!

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