

Editor’s Word of the Season: HAYFEVER

In this issue of M&D family magazine, we’ve embraced both sides of summer. Read about holiday destinations, both usual and unusual, and immerse yourself in the events guide to make the most of the season. Learn about some life-saving first aid skills (for those situations a little more dire than just hayfever), and think about coping with the sudden pressure of the back-to-school and back-to-work end of the summer.

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newsschools round-up

AESG Engineering Girls Impress at Parliament!

In July, the AESG Engineering Team were named the Young Engineers North West at the regional finals of The Big Bang Competition. They successfully designed and built a playground clock and traffic light system for deaf and blind children and wheelchair users. As a result of their success they were invited to Parliament by Stephen Metcalfe MP on Tuesday 7th November to display their project and explain it to MPs and industry leaders.

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