


Making Mistakes

When we are prepared to make mistakes, we become more adventurous in the process, pushing the boundaries of our normal comfort zone and stretching our capacity for learning. If we always played it safe, we might always ‘get it right’ but once we reach those more momentous landmarks in our life – A Level results, the let-down after a job interview – our ability to deal with the unexpected becomes more difficult.

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What To Do Next

A recent survey of parental involvement in their children’s education tells us that most parents seek to help with reading and homework and that mothers are far more likely to become involved in the school than fathers. The problem for parents trying to access specific information about what their child needs to do next, is that it is not commonly communicated to parents.

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Sensory Stories

A child’s cognitive development depends on sensory stimulation. . . Children who struggle with processing sensory stimulation can find everyday experiences to be too much. This often happens with children who have autism or ADHD. . . For these children having the chance to practice being exposed to stimuli in a safe environment can be a very beneficial experience. The story telling space is a great place for this to happen.

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