


X-Factor for Entrance Exams

To succeed in the entrance examinations for the majority of Grammar and Independent schools a child has to demonstrate a clear understanding of basic Maths, and an ability to handle an English paper which demands skills in both verbal and non-verbal reasoning. Currently most primary schools do not teach with the specific aim of preparing a child for such an examination and “top-up” is essential.

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Eureka? No, it’s a Ping!

We call it a ‘Ping’. It is that special moment when a child realises how it works; suddenly it all makes sense! A burst of joy and understanding that is beamed across a child’s face! We love pings!
At SciTech, Our hands-on science summer school that is being run in Altrincham, we aim for every child to have at least five pings a day and that’s a lot more fun than five vegetables a day!

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Be Your Child’s Advocate

A child’s life is a complicated social and educational phenomenon. Like we have problems at work, our sons and daughters have theirs at school. Normally, children are quite capable of sorting out these problems themselves or with the help of their teachers and we, as parents, don’t need to worry or do anything about it. Sometimes though – our involvement is crucial

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Your country needs you..!

The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development which conducts regular comparisons of pupil achievement among 65 developed countries, recently announced that between 2000 and 2011, the UK had slipped from eighth to 28th place in maths, from seventh to 25th in reading and from fourth to 16th in science. That study also found that a fifth of UK 15-year-olds are functionally illiterate.

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