The King’s: Inspection is passed with flying colours
The King’s School is delighted to announce it has passed its recent ISI inspection with flying colours. Undertaken in January, the Independent Schools Inspectorate has recognised the school’s high standards across all areas of the school including Leadership & Management, Education, Wellbeing and Safeguarding.
Since the introduction of the new inspection framework, schools no longer receive grades such as ‘excellent’, and schools are simply deemed to be fully compliant or not.
Head, Mr Jason Slack, said: “King’s is thrilled to have met all of the statutory requirements and, whilst for an outstanding school such as King’s this may seem modest, it represents a significant and commendable achievement for the whole King’s community. The inspection report itself includes many positive judgements and identifies areas of excellence including pupils’ academic progress and achievements, the breadth of our provision, how we utilise our fantastic campus, our SEND provision, the extra-curricular life of school, and our King’s Compass programme.”
This outcome follows a rigorous and thorough inspection by a team of nine ISI inspectors who observed lessons and extra-curricular activities, interviewed teachers and pupils, reviewed policies and procedures, and studied feedback from parents, pupils and staff.
Mr Slack added: “Everyone at King’s is incredibly proud of our School and we all know that it is an amazing place for children to learn and grow; I’m thrilled to have this confirmed by the ISI inspection. My thanks go to those parents who completed the survey, to pupils who spoke to the Inspectors and to staff for all their hard work throughout the year. This inspection report offers huge reassurances to both current and prospective families that by choosing King’s, they are making the very best choice for their child’s future academic progress and personal development journey.”
The inspectors praised many aspects of King’s, including:
- Pupils make good progress and achieve well across a wide range of subjects.
- Teachers use assessment information effectively to set ambitious targets for pupils’ achievement.
- Pupils across all year groups benefit from a wide range of activities, enrichment trips and challenging opportunities, which extends their learning beyond the classroom.
- Parents are well informed about the school and their child’s attainment, progress and wellbeing.
- The creative and aesthetic curriculum includes a wide variety of options, such as dance, drama and design and technology. Pupils’ participation in music is of a high standard, they engage readily in regular school productions, high-quality artwork is displayed across the school, reflecting pupils’ enthusiasm for creative subjects.
- Teachers are knowledgeable about the subjects they teach. Pupils are encouraged to be ambitious and choose from a wide variety of subjects.
- An extensive range of clubs and societies is on offer for all age groups, and these are well attended by pupils.
- Pupils’ behaviour is consistently positive.
- IvyLeaders create a culture in which praise is routinely given, which supports pupils’ self-esteem and confidence.
- The life skills programme for sixth-form pupils successfully provides pupils with opportunities to develop skills needed for their future lives, including at university.
- Pupils feel their views are valued and that they can contribute meaningfully to the school community.
- The school’s commitment to social responsibility is evident in its partnerships with local and global communities.